Performance At Every LevelAsimi is our ‘statement’ range for those who demand the very best. All Asimi cables feature extremely high-purity (6N) OCC silver conductors in innovative topologies unique to Atlas. Our undisputed masterpiece.

Analogue Interconnects
Digital Interconnects
Speaker Links & Adapters
There is a clear performance hierarchy within our main product ranges, with performance level options for every music lover, whatever their budget or system.
Ask your Atlas dealer for a demonstration, and hear the difference yourself.
A substantial upgrade over ‘bundled’ manufacturer-supplied cables. Many customers are surprised at how easy it is to spot the improvements with Element and Equator compared to the typical mass-produced ‘freebie.’
Time to move up to the next level? These cables offer a taste of our high end offerings; materials will be of higher quality along with more advanced construction (eg. our dd ‘Dual Drain’ shielding), plus superior connector options on some products.
High End
Designed to complement the world’s finest hi-fi equipment, this trio represents our most advanced design and manufacturing capabilities. Mavros and Asimi are long-established award winners, while Arran sets a new standard as our finest OCC copper cabling.