Atlas Premier Partners


Performance at Every Level

Atlas Premier Partners : Belgium

Our Atlas Premier Partners offer insightful advice with demonstration facilities to match. Many offer a cable loan facility for you to try Atlas products within the context of your system.

Partners will normally stock a broad selection from the Atlas range, including our ‘state-of-the-art’ Arran and Asimi. They have outstanding in-depth knowledge and experience with our ‘Upgrade,’ ‘Aspire’ and ‘High End’ Performance Level ranges.

All in Music

Grand Place 49, B-2800 Mechelen

+32 493 515706



Dr Verdurmenstraat 5, B-9100 Sint-Niklaas,

+32 495 475580


Eglantier HiFi BV

Battel Steenweg 255, B-2800 Mechelen

+32 493 51 57 06


Elektro Taelman

Bellegemsestraat 253, B-8510 Kortrij

+32 56 21 91 84


the performance connection

designed & hand-made in Scotland