We’re Atlas Cables. We design and engineer, in Scotland, a world-class range of audiophile analogue, digital, loudspeaker and power cables acclaimed and sold worldwide. 

Which Atlas cable is best for you?

Performance at every level

There is a clear performance hierarchy within our main product ranges, with performance level options for every music lover, whatever their budget or system.

Ask your Atlas dealer for a demonstration, and hear the difference yourself.

New product introductory offers.

Limited Time Offer


Invest in a pair of our latest Mavros Transpose Speaker Grun cables during March and you‘re entitled to 50% off a Mavros Ultra Latik Grun RCA interconnect (at time of purchase).

Offer valid until 30/3/2025 at participating Atlas Premier Partners

Product Page

So What Makes An Atlas Cable?

Why do some cables sound better than others? We go to considerable lengths to identify, address and manage those parameters which we consider critical to performance. These are our ‘Essential Elements.’

essential elements in cable design

Atlas Cables. Connected.

connected ailsa & eos cable connected arran cable connected arran speaker cable connected equator cable connected arran ultra cable connected eos cable connected eos cable connected transpose cables connected equator cable connected luxe cable connected mavros cable

How Do We Add Value?

Your Cable. Our Promise. icon

Your Cable. Our Promise.

Our precision in-house manufacturing ensures that our cables are robust and reliable, and also gives us great flexibility in maintaining, supporting, and customising our products.

An existing cable reconditioned or a longer one terminated and transformed into two shorter lengths? An older cable upgraded to a higher specification by making it Grun-enabled or fitting our latest generation connectors?

We provide such support quickly and cost-effectively — not only improving performance, but protecting your investment in Atlas products.

Remake. Revive. Repair. Repurpose. Remarkable. Find Out More

the performance connection

designed & hand-made in Scotland